Platina is currently looking into snapshot tools to facilitate a simple restore process.  In the meantime, a standard Debian Jessie netboot installer can be used to reinstall linux via USB stick.  The post linux install procedures can be executed with the attached script or manually as described below.  Note that the factory default login and password are used in this article.  It is recommended that the user change the password as soon as possible to prevent unauthorized access.  

USB Stick Installer

Download and copy Debian Jessie netboot installer to an ext formatted USB stick

  1. Format USB to ext4 (assuming USB is at /dev/sdb): mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb
  2. mkdir /mnt; mount /dev/sdb /mnt; cd /mnt
  3. wget
  4. wget
  5. umount /mnt

Factory Restore Script

The attached expect script “factory_restore.exp" runs from a linux machine with a telnet connection to the console port of the unit to be restored.  To run the script:

  1. Install the USB stick in the faceplate USB port of the unit to be restored
  2. Add the telnet connection detail in the script by replacing  " 10030” in line 6
  3. Update the root password on line 14 in the script if necessary
  4. Note that the script expects "platina" as the hostname of the unit to be restored
  5. The unit's RJ45 management port requires external network access to access and Debian repositories 
  6. The unit’s RJ45 management port requires access to a DHCP server as post linux install eth0 configuration is default to DHCP.
  7. With the unit up and not logged into linux, run “expect factory_restore.exp” from the linux machine, the script takes about 10-15 minutes and prints “Restore complete” at the finish.  Script outputs are recorded in “factory_restore.log"

Script Details

The following describes the restore process in detail.  These steps can be executed manually instead of using the factory restore script.  All files retrieved from can also be copied and served from a local server.

Re-install Debian Jessie:

  1. Install the USB stick in the faceplate USB port of the unit to be restored and connect to the unit’s console
  2. Reboot the unit and type ctrl-c when boot-up console output pauses at “Boot command:” to arrive at the Coreboot goes prompt platina-mk1>
  3. mkdir /usb
  4. mount /dev/sdb /usb
  5. kexec -k /usb/linux -i /usb/initrd.gz -c "console=ttyS0,115200 keymap=us debian-installer/locale=en_US netcfg/get_hostname=platina netcfg/ interface=auto auto preseed/url=" -e
  6. Unit will reboot after the installation is complete.  login with root:platina

Download and install Flashrom to update Coreboot

  1. apt-get install gcc make libpci-dev libusb-dev libusb-1.0 git
  2. mkdir /root/tools; cd tools
  3. git clone
  4. cd flashrom; make install

Download Platina SW and configuration files.  In upcoming SW versions, Platina will integrate these into just two files: coreboot-platina-mk1 and goes-platina-mk1

  1. cd /root
  2. wget
  3. wget
  4. chmod 655 goes-platina-mk1
  5. wget
  6. wget
  7. wget
  8. wget
  9. chmod 755 goesd-platina-mk1-modprobe.conf
  10. chmod 755 goesd-platina-mk1-modprobe.conf
  11. chmod 755 goesd-platina-mk1-sysctl.conf
  12. mv goesd-platina-mk1-modprobe.conf /etc/modprobe.d
  13. mv goesd-platina-mk1-modules.conf /etc/modules-load.d
  14. mv goesd-platina-mk1-sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.d
  15. mkdir /etc/goes
  16. mv start /etc/goes

Download and install Platina kernel. In upcoming SW versions, Platina is working to support an unmodified kernel config

  1. wget
  2. dpkg -i linux-image-platina-mk1-4.11.0.deb

Update Coreboot

  1. /usr/local/sbin/flashrom -p internal -l /usr/local/share/flashrom/layouts/platina-mk1.xml -i bios -w /root/coreboot.rom -A -V

Reboot and install Platina Goes. Reboot is required to load the new kernel before starting Goes

  1. reboot and login root:platina
  2. ./goes-platina-mk1 install
  3. Factory restore is complete

Download and install tools (optional).  These tools are not required, they are used for debug access to the x86 CPLD and LAN EEPROM.

  1. cd /root/tools
  2. wget
  3. wget
  4. wget
  5. chmod 655 ioget
  6. chmod 655 ioset
  7. chmod 655 eeupdate64e

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